Is mattress protector should be washed?

Do mattress protectors need to be washed?

It's true that you can and should wash your mattress protector, even if you think it looks or smells clean.


What is the mattress protector

A mattress cover can increase the softness of your mattress while maintaining levels of support. These covers can be made from feathers, down, cotton, silk or other fabrics, the most luxurious of which is goose down. No matter which type you have, you can easily clean it at home.

However, the proper way to clean a mattress protector depends on the type of material used. We recommend that you always check the care label on the case for guidance before following the instructions below.

How to clean a mattress protector?

When it comes to mattress cleaning, prevention is always better than cure. We recommend using a high-quality mattress protector to keep your sleeping surface clean and hygienic. Not only do mattress protectors minimize the risk of stains, but unlike mattresses, they can be easily washed in the washing machine. Here are the steps for cleaning your mattress protector.

Wash-Mattress Protector

Treat new stains

It’s best to treat new stains on your mattress protector as soon as they appear. Use an absorbent cloth to soak up spills, then wipe gently with cold water and a sponge. Avoid using hot water as it may make the stain harder to remove. For stubborn stains, consider using a stain remover.

Remove dust and debris

Mattress protectors are a breeding ground for dust mites, which feed on dead skin cells and thrive in moist environments. Using a vacuum or steam cleaner can remove or kill most mites and their allergens, but check with the mattress manufacturer before doing this to make sure you won't harm the material.

Use natural cleaners to remove odors

If you don't want to put your mattress protector in the washing machine, you can try natural alternatives to temporarily remove odors. Natural cleaners, like baking soda or even vodka, are often gentler than chemical cleaners, so you can try them first. You can use pure vodka to remove odors, or mix it with water and spray it on your mattress protector to remove odors.


It should be noted that this method can only remove odor. If you want your mattress protector to stay clean, it needs to be washed. "

Use the correct method for thorough cleaning

Before you start washing your mattress protector, look for the product's care label to learn about its care standards. Different fabrics and materials have different care standards. It is best to follow the instructions on the care label to avoid irreversible damage to the mattress protector. Wrong care methods will greatly reduce its service life. ​



You can wash your mattress protector with your sheets. Through the above article, I believe you also understand how to clean a mattress protector. Most good mattress protectors are relatively easy to clean. This means you can put it in your washer and dryer. However, before washing your mattress protector, always check the care label.


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